Conference Residents Cleaning Responsibility

Cleaning expectations encompass responsibility for cleaning certain spaces, trash management, and recycling and composting policies.

Cleaning Expectations and Responsibility

Residents are responsible for cleaning their assigned bedroom spaces, including the furnishings, appliances, and fixtures therein; and for maintaining satisfactory sanitation, garbage disposal, and safety standards. Responsibility for bathroom and kitchen cleaning varies by building.

Trash & Recycling Policy

Residents are responsible for properly discarding trash and recycling and maintaining satisfactory sanitation and safety standards. Methods of trash disposal vary by building; please visit the Conference Housing Location page to learn more.

  • Residents must clean and separate recyclables from trash before they are placed in recycling receptacles.
  • Do not discard heavy items down compactor chutes as they can damage the chutes, damaged chutes will be closed until repaired.
  • Do not throw recyclable items (i.e. metal, hangers, paper waste, etc.) into the trash compactors. These items should be disposed at the building’s recycling station.


To request the cleaning of a communal, custodial services-managed space, please contact the Hartley Hospitality Desk at 212-854-2779 or at [email protected].

How to Clean Your Suite or Shared Bathroom

In some residence halls, residents are responsible for cleaning their own bathrooms. Watch the video below for tips on how to clean properly.